So, don’t forget the bigger picture

don’t forget the big picture

Keep pushing.

From a story by Matt Might.


I am a post-doc researcher in the Laudare ERC project at the GSSI - Gran Sasso Science Institute. I am also a research collaborator at the University of Milan, in the LIM - Music Informatics Laboratory. Previously, I was a post-doc researcher at the Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales - ICCMU in the Didone project , where I worked on the 18th century Italian Opera.

I have taken my Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Milan in the LIM - Music Informatics Laboratory , where I studied computational methods for music performance analysis. While I am continuously involved in researching new tools for enabling access to music/culture fruition/production, I want to contribute to the improvement of the society and of the world in which we live.

  • Full Name: Federico Simonetta
  • Main Research interests: music information processing, machine learning, audio processing, document understanding
  • Secondary Research interests: audio processing, medical acoustics, symbolic music analysis and generation, audio synthesis
  • CV: download it (old)


Here is the full list of publications .

The following are some notable publications that you may be interested in.

Screenshot of the Listening Test

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Federico Simonetta, S. Ntalampiras, F. Avanzini

Published in Multimedia Tools and Applications 2022

This study focuses on the perception of music performances when contextual factors, such as room acoustics and instrument, change. We propose to distinguish the concept of “performance” from the one of “interpretation”, which expresses the “artistic intention”. Towards assessing this distinction, we carried out an experimental evaluation where 91 subjects were invited to listen to various audio recordings created by resynthesizing MIDI data obtained through Automatic Music Transcription (AMT) systems and a sensorized acoustic piano. During the resynthesis, we simulated different contexts and asked listeners to evaluate how much the interpretation changes when the context changes. Results show that: (1) MIDI format alone is not able to completely grasp the artistic intention of a music performance; (2) usual objective evaluation measures based on MIDI data present low correlations with the average subjective evaluation. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel measure which is meaningfully correlated with the outcome of the tests. In addition, we investigate multimodal machine learning by providing a new score-informed AMT method and propose an approximation algorithm for the p-dispersion problem.

Acoustics-specific strategies improve velocity prediction

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Federico Simonetta, S. Ntalampiras, F. Avanzini

Published in MMSP 2022

Motivated by the state-of-art psychological research, we note that a piano performance transcribed with existing Automatic Music Transcription (AMT) methods cannot be successfully resynthesized without affecting the artistic content of the performance. This is due to 1) the different mappings between MIDI parameters used by different instruments, and 2) the fact that musicians adapt their way of playing to the surrounding acoustic environment. To face this issue, we propose a methodology to build acoustics-specific AMT systems that are able to model the adaptations that musicians apply to convey their interpretation. Specifically, we train models tailored for virtual instruments in a modular architecture that takes as input an audio recording and the relative aligned music score, and outputs the acoustics-specific velocities of each note. We test different model shapes and show that the proposed methodology generally outperforms the usual AMT pipeline which does not consider specificities of the instrument and of the acoustic environment. Interestingly, such a methodology is extensible in a straightforward way since only slight efforts are required to train models for the inference of other piano parameters, such as pedaling.

Benchmarks of feature extraction tools

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Federico Simonetta, Ana Llorens, Martín Serrano, Eduardo García-Portugués, Álvaro Torrente

Published in ISMIR 2023

This paper presents a comprehensive investigation of existing feature extraction tools for symbolic music and contrasts their performance to determine the feature set that best characterizes the musical style of a given music score. In this regard, we propose a novel feature extraction tool, named musif, and evaluate its efficacy on various repertoires and file formats, including MIDI, MusicXML, and **kern. Musif approximates existing tools such as jSymbolic and music21 in terms of computational efficiency while attempting to enhance the usability for custom feature development. The proposed tool also enhances classification accuracy when combined with other feature sets. We demonstrate the contribution of each feature set and the computational resources they require. Our findings indicate that the optimal tool for feature extraction is a combination of the best features from each tool rather than a single one. To facilitate future research in music information retrieval, we release the source code of the tool and benchmarks.

Full List Of Publications

All the code that I can publish is available in online. See my GitHub page for finding them. You can also check my Google Scholar profile .

PDFs of my papers are also available on my Zotero personal page whenever possible.


Here I will put all the material I use for teaching. For now, it is just a list of useful links!


Here are all the theses that I have supervised so far. If you are interested in one of these topics, please contact me.

The Overleaf property is a reminder for myself, indicating if I have the source code of the LaTeX project on Overleaf.

See theses


  • Bachelor: Explaining Audio Classification Models for Respiratory Sounds by Longhi Giorgio - Year: ongoing, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: -, Link: -, Overleaf: yes
  • Bachelor: Sistema di audiosorveglianza per smart home by Claudio Di Benedetto - Year: ongoing, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: -, Link: -, Overleaf: no
  • Master: Optical Music Recognition for Cultural Heritage in the Ricordi Archive by Mondal Rishav - Year: ongoing, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: conference, Link: arxiv , Overleaf: yes
  • Master: Domain generalization for multimodal speech-based depression detection by Tabaraei Ali - Year: ongoing, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: -, Link: -, Overleaf: no
  • Master: Speech emotion music recommendation by Luca Bellani - Year: ongoing, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: F. Avanzini, me, Publication: -, Link: -, Overleaf: no
  • Bachelor: Classificazione di suoni cardiaci mediante l’uso di Auto-Encoder Variazionale by Demme Giulia - Year: 2024, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: -, Link: -, Overleaf: yes
  • Bachelor: Impatto della Window Length nella Classificazione di Suoni Respiratori Patologici by Tomaselli Leonardo - Year: 2024, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: -, Link: -, Overleaf: yes
  • Master: Adversarial Robustness Evaluation of Feature Learning Models and Universal Audio Representations by Cortis Paolo - Year: 2024, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: -, Link: -, Overleaf: yes
  • Master: Covid-19 Detection based on wavelet scatter transform by Palano Mattia - Year: 2024, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: -, Link: -, Overleaf: yes
  • Bachelor: Systematic Survey of Soundscape Synthesis Methods by Casalatina Oliviero - Year: 2024, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: -, Link: -, Overleaf: yes
  • Bachelor: Reti Neurali Bayesiane per l’Acustica Medica by Peratello Emanuele - Year: 2023, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: -, Link: -, Overleaf: yes
  • Bachelor: Analysis of a convolutional model for melody-line identification by Bellomo Carlotta - Year: 2022, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: -, Link: -, Overleaf: yes
  • Bachelor: Analyzing emotion prediction system across different classes of sounds by Certo Francesca - Year: 2022, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: conference, Link: arxiv , Overleaf: yes
  • Bachelor: Automatic classification of depression in speech by Giardina Alice - Year: 2022, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: -, Link: -, Overleaf: yes
  • Master: Sound classification in the presence of missing samples by Pedretti Davide - Year: 2022, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: -, Link: -, Overleaf: yes
  • Master: Adversarial Machine Learning in a Speech Emotion Recognition Scenario by Facchinetti Nicolas - Year: 2022, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: journal, Link: arxiv , Overleaf: yes
  • Bachelor: Apprendimento one-shot per la classificazione dei generi musicali by Silipo Sebastiano - Year: 2021, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: -, Link: -, Overleaf: yes
  • Bachelor: Audio-based Human Activity Classification using Transfer Learning by Nicolini Marco - Year: 2021, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: conference, Link: doi , Overleaf: yes
  • Master: Variational Autoencoders for Anomaly Detection in Respiratory Sounds by Cozzatti Michele - Year: 2021, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: conference, Link: arxiv , Overleaf: yes
  • Master: Ricerca Automatica di Features in Ambito di Acustica Medica by Poiré Alessandro Maria - Year: 2021, Advisor: S. Ntalampiras, Co-advisor: me, Publication: conference, Link: arxiv , Overleaf: yes
  • Bachelor: Una libreria C per il caricamento e la manipolazione di documenti IEEE 1599 by Talamona Francesco - Year: 2020, Advisor: L. A. Ludovico, Co-advisor: me, Publication: -, Link: -, Overleaf: yes
  • Bachelor: Stima del parametro MIDI velocity da registrazioni audio polifoniche di pianoforte by Festorazzi Francesco - Year: 2019, Advisor: F. Avanzini, Co-advisor: me, Publication: -, Link: -, Overleaf: yes


If you want, do not hesitate and write me an email!

My clock is showing this time:


federico.simonetta [at]